Wednesday, March 30, 2011

s.O.a.D rules!!! :P

hi everybody!! today i want to talk about my favorite band, their name is system of a down, and i just love them!!!
The first time i hear soad i was nine or ten years old, my brother give me a tape because he think that probably would like me, so i hear it and i love them inmediatly, so with the time i became in a fan and i love all their albums and when they take a time for their solist proyects i follow them too, for example i love serj tankian, he is the vocalist of soad, and then he began to create albums but alone, he create the music and sing too, Daron Malakian that was the guitar player in the group create an album too but with Shavo Odadjian (the bass player of soad) and the band name's was Scares on broadway, and the drums player, John Dolmayan, participated in serj's albums and in scares on broadway's albums, so they never break their relation, and the most happy new that i recived some months ago was that they are TOGETHER AGAIN!!!
so now i was the person most happy in the world, and my dream since i was a child was that they come to chile before i die, because it's my favorite band, the band that make me crazy, the band that i love and i follow, because since always i love their thoughts and their lyrics and the excellent music that they create.

i can't tell you what are my favorite song, because sincerilly i can't choose only one, but i can give you some names like for example, deer dance, forest, suggestions, spiders, sugar, soldier side, ego brain, inervision, baby, money, sky is over, suite-pee, peephole, and i could never stop....

so i hope you like  my history jajjaja



  1. it is evident that you admire very much

  2. Hello stefa!, i know that system of a down was your favorite band ! serj tankian is very clever, my favorite song is "Question!" LOVE IT!
